Friday, April 1, 2011

We Miss Jim!

I am so spoiled. I never spend too much time away from my husband. He left yesterday and Trooper and I both miss him! Our very nice friend invited us over for dinner. If Trooper had been home, he would've stared out the window until bed time watching for Jim. Instead he was distracted by his best puppy friend. Tonight we're also getting together with some gals and Trooper will be able to play with him again. They play tug and chase each other until Trooper gets tired. It's pretty darn cute.

Otherwise, the weather has been gorgeous and I was able to ride my bike three times this week (I would today but I'm coming home at lunch to get Trooper out) and jog outside. If only I didn't have to sit inside an office all day!

Have a Happy Friday!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Spoiled is a good thing.