Thursday, April 21, 2011

Legal Beagle

Because I am lazy, I am going to quote my lovely husband the Legal Beagle on Trooper's allergist appointment (sent in email form):

"The hotspots on his back are infected, and this is most likely exacerbating his itchiness. She prescribed him an antibiotic to treat it. Our current plan is to restart him on the remaining steroids we have left over from last time and to keep him on the zyrtec. Dr. Ashley said this will give him the quickest relief, and she also wants to see if he gets the head tremors again -- if he does, then she will prescribe a different type of steroid. Once I am done with finals, she said we should stop the steroids and start cyclosporine as a longer term treatment method. This will probably be about a $60-70 per month cost, initially.

I asked about a food allergy test, and she said that they are ineffective/unreliable. As for an environmental allergy test, the treatment is only about 70% effective, so we decided against that for the time being."

She seems to think it's environmental allergies and we are hoping the Atopica (cyclosporine) will provide him relief for the few years we're in Oregon. I also liked how Jim's finals were included in the long term plan. (His first one being two weeks from today!) Jim was home with him earlier and has already noticed a decrease in pink skin and itchiness.

I'll keep everyone posted!

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