Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Special Needs Family

Disclaimer: We are all okay! You don't have to call us to check on us, even though you love each of us so much.

Yesterday was a long day. In the morning, I took Troopie to the vet's before work for a blood test. He was, as always, a hit. The vet tech said he was very muscular. I told her he'd been working out. She said, "He's perfect!"

Now on to the part that you don't need to worry about. Since Friday night, I have been having a tummy ache/ abdominal pains, some of which is in my lower right side. To the point of not sleeping to well. It comes and goes. I was fine during my 5K. At work on Monday, I decided I'd go to the Urgent Care at 5pm. (I don't have a doctor here yet.) By around 1:30, I couldn't stand it, so I left. It took 2 hours to get seen at Urgent Care. They did a urine and blood test. I seemed fine. The doctor felt around and decided it may be an ovarian cyst, so he ordered an Ultra Sound at 6pm. My blood and urine were fine. The Ultrasound showed a small ovarian cyst, but nothing for concern. So the doctor called me at 8pm to say that I may be in the early stages of appendicitis, and if my pain gets worse to go to the ER immediately. I've been fine today, able to sit through work without any major pain. Let's hope the appendix can hold on through finals, which end on May 12th. (Yay.) I found a doctor who takes my insurance and have made an appointment for an all around physical on May 12th. If the ol' appendix bursts before then, well, we'll just have to deal. Hopefully it was just indigestion.

1 comment:

*Laura Angel said...

OMG keep an eye on that!!! Hope its not your appendix!