Wednesday, April 27, 2011

The Kids are OK

Thank you for the notes and calls of concern about my health. I am feeling fine! Yesterday was business as usual. Trooper and I even went for a long run after work and got in our ab workout. Well, he ran, but no sit ups for him. Nothing burst inside me that I am aware of.
We also received the results from Trooper's lab work. He is parasite free! No hookworm or heartworm, so we're back on the Heartguard Plus. When you are an adventure dog like him, you need full parasite protection. It is pretty amazing how the steroids have calmed his itching. His hot spots are scabs now and hopefully will be cleared up soon. By mid-May we plan to start him on the Atopica and wean him off of the steroids. I've made an appointment to get Troops groomed on Sunday and plan on getting him cut pretty short. I've been pretty allergic too. There is a lot of pollen in the air and hope short hair will avoid those allergens from getting caught on him.
On Sunday I've signed up for a sewing class at Piece by Piece. I'll be making a simple dress/ tunic! I'm pretty excited!

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