Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Books and More

First of all, our dog has been the happiest, craziest puppy tonight. When I got home, he was throwing toys in the air and sprinting around the apartment. I quickly got on my running clothes and took him on a jog. He was straight up sled dog. I let him run a lap around the dog park and he was still a nut. I wish everyone could see him running with his ears blowing in the wind and his tongue hanging out. Then he randomly sees a soft green patch of grass (and potentially stinky patch of grass) and rolls around on his back. And I laugh so hard. As he was rolling in the grass tonight, he was trying to catch moths in his mouth. Utter happiness. What a good doggie.

I am so excited, The Pioneer Woman's biography (something about Black Heels to Tractor Wheels) was finally in at the library! It's really darling. If you like her blog, you'll love her book. It's the kind of book that is fun to read on the couch while drinking wine in your jammies. I finished our book club book, Room. It was interesting. It was told from the point of view of a five year old boy who'd never left this one room, where he and his mom were being held hostage. I wouldn't say I loved it. By the middle of the book, I just wanted to find out what was going to happen to them. I appreciate that my Book Club made me read a book that I wouldn't have ordinarily. We meet next Thursday, and I look forward to our next book.

Oh, I forgot to post one of our fave recipes that I made the other night. I don't know if I've posted it before. Giada's Pasta with Peas and Sausage. Make it for dinner!!

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