Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Troopie Update

First of all, we all loved the salmon party the other night. Trooper licked his bowl for about five minutes after. Jim even liked his (see the recipe in my last post.) I think the dijon mustard fooled him into eating it. Along with the panko. It was an easy recipe and tasted great.

Trooper, oh, Trooper. He's been itching day and night. He's been keeping Jim up and last night he even kept me up. Itching and itching. We also need to get him back on Heartguard Plus, which is a run around. Apparently they need to test for heartworms since he's been off for three months. It's unlikely he'd have heartworms, but if he did and we gave him the Heartguard Plus, it could be fatal. Scary. So he has to go to the regular vet to get the clear for the medicine. I was emailing our regular vet and also our allergist, begging for some suggestions about relief for his itching. The allergist emailed and said she'd had a cancellation tomorrow and we could come in. Jim doesn't have class tomorrow, so he'll be taking him in. Poor pup. I hope there is some relief in sight. We have a special needs dog.

The weekend is almost here! I am running in my winery 5K on Saturday at King Estates, and Jim's going to be spending the day doing Bachelor Party things with a friend who's getting married in May. We don't have any definite Easter plans except study (Jim) and eat cheesy potatoes (me.)

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