Wednesday, February 23, 2011

No Snow!

So we were supposed to get a few inches of snow. Nothing! I was hoping to see Trooper play in the snow today.

Are you tired of reading about Trooper? He is doing okay. Jim saw him have one more shaking episode last night. Have I mentioned that it's only his head and neck? Really weird. But I took him on a jog and he played with his toys. Right now he's lounging next to me on the couch. He seems like he's okay other than his little seizures. Thank you for all of the concerned calls and emails I've received. He means so much to me!

I may be attending a Planned Parenthood rally after work! It's an organization I care deeply about and am hoping their funding will not be cut. Then I'm hoping to get in a workout and make Ina's Indonesian swordfish. (It's a great marinade! Jim even liked it, even though I have to overcook his fish and then he covers it in hot sauce to make it more palatable to him :) .) All in a modern gal's day.

1 comment:

smithktroll said...

You are a wonderful, strong, fabulous woman! I am glad Trooper is ok! Love you!