Sunday, February 6, 2011

A Lovely Weekend

We were so lucky to do quite a few fun things this weekend! On Friday after work we went to an Art Walk in downtown Eugene. I think there's one the first Friday of the month. The weather was pleasant and people were everywhere. Most galleries had drinks and snacks, but we had no cash with us. We called it a night early due to hunger, but it was a really nice walk. Hopefully we'll do it next month.

On Saturday, I had a really positive day with my Little Sister. I took her to the Cascades Raptor Center, which is such a neat place. They have dozens of rescued birds. There were four bald eagles, a bunch of falcons, hawks, owls, etc. My favorite was the Snowy Owl. I forgot my camera, but I'm hoping to go back with Jim. It's in the South Hills and it was so nice to be outdoors. After, we went to the public library. I've been wanting her to participate in this program where kids read to therapy dogs, but she's been shy about it. So I asked her if she'd listen while I read to the dog. And she did! I read a Sponge Bob Square Pants book to a small black pug named Ricky. She even told me we could do it again next week! I was so proud of her for having an open mind about it.

And last night was our big Date Night! We'd ordered a PF Chang's gift card with our bank account rewards, so we went there for a really tasty dinner. Then we saw Legally Blonde a the Hult Center!! It was so cute. Jim saw quite a few fellow law students too.

I took Trooper to the dog park where he ran around like a crazy dog. Now we are getting ready to head to a super bowl party. I made some really decadent cookie bars. They include coconut flakes and butterscotch chips among other things. I may post the recipe for you all. Jim's making Giada's white bean dip, sort of like an Italian hummus. It's really good!

Happy Sunday readers!


smithktroll said...

What a lovely thing to do with your little sister. Encourage the love of reading! You are a wonderful woman Amanda. You will never know how much you will touch her life! Sounds like a fab weekend!

Amanda said...

Thanks, Karen! I am enjoying my time with her. I'm hoping it is positive for her too.