Sunday, June 5, 2011

Sunday Funday

Well, it's Sunday evening again.  Jim is giving Trooper his bath and we're enjoying the nice weather.  We tried to soak up as much time outside as we could.  Book Club was wonderful on Friday.  We've added a few new gals who are all great fits for our group.  On Saturday I took my Little Sister to the park.  I bought a ball and a Frisbee and we just played outside for a few hours.  Then we took Trooper to the dog park.  We went to a BBQ, but before we left my eyes had an allergic reaction.  It's happened to me a few times before, where I must get something in them and the sclera (whites) start to fill with fluid and turn red.  They look red and glazed and like the whites might explode.  Sounds delightful.  So I just take a Benadryl and put in some antihistamine drops.  Trooper has been doing great with his new medicine, hardly any itching, so Jim said, "Maybe you need Atopica."  Today Jim went golfing and I cleaned like a mad woman.  We are adjusting to us both working all week.  When he came home we took the Puppers to a park on a hike and stopped for ice cream on the way home.  Once the pup is cleaned we'll all be snug at home.  I'm making shrimp etouffee for dinner.  Ha, I just heard Jim said to Trooper, "You're a dirty dog, aren't you?" 

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