Friday, June 24, 2011

Kindred Spirits

Last night, when Trooper and I were both suffering from allergies, Jim said, "You two are kindred spirits."  We really are. 
I've been able to ride my bike three days this week.  Yay!  When I rode home yesterday evening, I noticed Trooper had an eye booger the size of a dime in one of his eyes.  I took a picture in case we had to show the vet (I'll spare you) and cleaned it.  Jim came home just after me and I went out for a cocktail with a lovely girlfriend (I promise I'm not a bad puppy momma).  When I rode my bike home from drinks, I was so congested I could barely swallow.  Trooper and I need some relief. 
Per his allergist, we actually increased his dose of one medicine as he's been completely taken off the second (the one that gives him GI problems.)  He's now on 75 mg a day of cyclosporine.  (After increasing his dose starting last night, we haven't seen any more weird eye puss.  This leads me to believe it was allergies.)  I'm taking one Allegra a day as that seems to give me the most (minor) relief out of all of the antihistamines. 
Tomorrow I am accompanying a friend to a trial hair appointment (she's getting married next weekend!) and on Sunday we may take a hike or something else fun then bottle Jim's latest batch of home brew.  And spend time with my kindred spirit, of course.

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