Saturday, June 18, 2011

Nasal Woes

I bet you've all been on the edge of your seats waiting to hear about the Neti Pot.  Well, it was weird.  I've done it twice.  It sort of feels like you're drowning.  And it's hard to get it out your nostril and not down your throat.  But it does offer temporary relief.  You have to do it at least an hour before bed to allow any liquids to drain.  (Yum.)  By the middle of the night I wake up again feeling congested.  That's the worst part of these allergies: I can't sleep through the night.  I do have some relief today because it rained and isn't windy, so there's less pollen out.  I've undergone an intense cleaning of the house to try to get any extra pollen up. 
Trooper and I have been best pals while Jim is gone.  He came with me to my Little Sister's softball game this morning.  Right now his best dog pal is over playing with him.  Last night I ordered myself a pizza and watched a rom com.  Tomorrow I am running in an 8K and in the afternoon retrieving Jim from PDX.  Trooper will be riding with me, of course.
I am making myself meatball marinara sammies tonight.  I made homemade meatballs and will put them on hoagies with TJ's marinara and mozzarella cheese.  And don't tell Jim, but there may be a homemade banana bread awaiting his return. 
It's weekends like this that I'm especially grateful for my lil pup.  Isn't funny how much love and emotion we put into a small animal that was domesticated from a wolf? 

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