Thursday, August 26, 2010

Another Day

I don't know how people don't work! I get too antsy. I'm ready to get a job!
We did see the cutest dog out today. It was a five month old (any dog is cute at that age) half yellow lab half dachshund. So it looked like a yellow lab puppy shaped like a dachshund. It was ridiculous.
I rode my bike to the grocery store. It's not too far, and Jim and I both bought U-locks. Someone told us that bikes frequently get stolen around here. I would be so sad if my pink cruiser was stolen!
I've been working on the job search and while I've been sitting at our desk, I've heard the same couple have sex and then get in a huge fight.
I'm marinating swordfish right now for Ina's Indonesian Swordfish and letting dough cool for her Parmesan and Thyme crackers.
The good thing is that it's a lot cooler today (76 right now) and we've had the windows open. Trooper caught a bee or wasp. I got a little worried and called a vet, but she said that as long as he's not allergic, he should be fine. He also went after a cat in some bushes and I was worried that it had scratched him, but he seems okay. There are seriously dozens of cats around our apartment complex that people let wander around. They've learned where we live and sit on our steps to tease Trooper. I'm not a cat person.
When Jim gets home for school, we're going to walk over to Alton Baker park. I think we also have an ice cream date tonight. It'll be nice to get in a little time with Jim when he's not reading and studying hard.

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