Wednesday, November 24, 2010


We are so happy to be dog sitting an adorable girl, Sheila. Her owner is a law student. She said we could just stop over and let her out and feed her, but I couldn't imagine a doggie being alone all night. So she came over here! She's older and bigger than Trooper. He has a bit of only child syndrome, so this should be good for him. She mostly sleeps and wags her tail. She laid down to eat her dinner! Right now she's snoring. Jim made one of his stuffings (the one that will go in the bird in the a.m.) and I'm about to make my cookies and pumpkin bars. I'm pretty excited to not have to work tomorrow. I have my Turkey Trot at 9am and we are heading over to start cooking around noon. Dinner is planned for around 2 or 3pm. If we get home at a decent hour I want to watch Little Women. I watched it last Thanksgiving when Jim went to see his CASA kid and I'd like to continue that tradition. I'll be taking my Little Sister to a shortened version of The Nutcracker on Sunday, which should be fun. Okay, I have to get to my baking! (I've got a bottle of wine to help me along.)

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