Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Finals Fun

We are in the thick of finals studying, people.  The Legal Beagle is hard at work.  He has five, count em, five finals coming up. 
Trooper and I are keeping busy.  Troops seems to be doing really well after his steroid shot last week.  No head shakes, much less itching, and his butt patch is growing back.  He does want his dad to play more.  (Last night he dropped a toy in front of him and looked at him like, "Um, time to play.")  Tonight he went and played with his boy friend Oliver which always wears him out.  (His mommy will love him no matter who he loves.) 
May always seems like a nice month, and I am hoping this one will go with that trend.  I made a hotel reservation for our trip to San Fran, and I need to make a reservation for Seaside, Oregon, where friends are getting married on the beach this August.  (Have you ever gone to a wedding with Jim and Amanda?  We cut a rug.)  Hopefully it will shape up to be a nice summer.
Thank you for all of the encouraging words about my half marathon!  It was a fun accomplishment for me.  After eight weeks of training, it felt great to finish and finish well.  I took Monday off and was back at the rec center on Tuesday (sort of a workout lite, though.)  My running buddy and I are going to run together on Wednesdays (did 4.5 miles tonight) and Sundays (6 or 7 miles).  As always, it's great to have a friend to train with.
Okay, time to turn in.  Being a law school wife is tiring, but my handsome husband is worth it. 

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