Sunday, October 23, 2011


Only for you, blog readers, will I share this unflattering picture of myself at 7am on a Sunday.  Trooper and Jim woke up to support me (Jim didn't want me to walk to the stadium in the dark) and then we went to Studio One for a GREAT breakfast.  Jim will be studying all day and I'm hoping to get in some crafting and domestics. 
Trooper is still itching a lot.  We think this is around when he started last year.  Maybe there's some sort of allergen out right now.  He's had a few hot spots.  He's going to get groomed today, so hopefully that will help him and we'll be able to see his spots better.  His allergist is really great about answering emails and said that if he doesn't get better, we should take him in for antibiotics/ steroids next week to get him through this extra itchy time.  Poor guy!  I told him he should get a job to help cover his costs, but Jim and I both agree that the love that little beast gives us is worth every penny. 

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