Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Where Does the Time Go?

I leave my job promptly at 5pm and I don't have children, so I seriously wonder where my days go.  I have no answer.  By the time Troopie and I exercise, stop at the dog park, I make dinner, etc, it's almost 9pm.  I need more hours.  Who doesn't?
Fall just seems to be in full swing here.  I made the banana muffins I mentioned yesterday and they were AWESOME!  The chocolate chips were a nice touch.  I also made the tofu recipe.  It was good, but prompted me to have hot dogs for dinner tonight.  I needed a meaty sausage product after that.
Jim is going to Bend tomorrow for work.  He'll be back Friday night.  Trooper and I plan to work on sewing and watch girlie things on tv.
Somehow I feel like our weekend is already jam packed.  Or at least mine is.  BBBS had a group activity Saturday morning (Boot Camp for children... should be interesting), I'm volunteering at Eugene Streets on Sunday, and a friend's birthday dinner on Sunday night.  All fun, but already sounding tiring!

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