Monday, February 27, 2012

Home From the Big Apple

What did we (or I) do in New York?
Ate pizza, ate croissants (well, that was just me), ate pickles and reubens at the Carnegie Deli, went on a carriage ride in Central Park, saw the sites, caught up with friends and family, went to the Met, saw the Statue of Liberty, visited the World Trade Memorial, nursed a head cold, jogged, went to a yoga class, missed my puppers (who is currently sleeping off a puppy spa hangover), cooked dinner for my brother, watched Moot Court Madness, saw Wall Street and the Brooklyn Bridge, walked around Times Square, took my friend's dog to the dog park at Washington Square Park, finished my book club book, went to Chelsea Market.... and I'm sure there's more, but I can't think of it now.

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