Saturday, March 2, 2013


Well, we ran 17 miles.  I was really nervous and so was my training partner.  I feel like the jump from 15 to 17 was a mental jump too.  As with most things, your brain is your own worst enemy.  We prepared last night with a feast of Giada's Carbonara with Pancetta.  I think it helped to fuel the journey.  We graduated to 2 energy gels (around 6 and 12 miles) and wrote a hip hop song along the way.  By around mile 15 our legs turned in to jelly and ran on auto pilot.  We finished in just under 3 hours.  We celebrated with a giant challah bread strata with chicken sausage, kale, and onions.  Mind over matter.  Or strata over matter.  Our next long run is in two weeks: 19 miles.
Today was also a big day because I told the little girl I mentor that I'd be ending my time with her and the program.  Luckily she is open to getting a new mentor with BBBS.  We've been together for almost 2 and a half years, so I think it came as quite a shock to her.  Although she's 12, she lacks the emotional skills needed to deal with things like this.  I think in the long run it will be good for her. 
After those two accomplishments, I think it's time for an adult beverage.

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