Thursday, November 29, 2012

Give Brussel Sprouts a Chance

Tonight, I gave Brussels sprouts a chance.  I don't think I've ever cooked them by choice.  Ever.  I made Heidi Swanson's Caramelized Tofu and it was really tasty.  If you haven't checked out her recipes, she makes some great things.  I've checked out her cookbook at the library and loved it.  She combines ingredients that I would never think of, such as tofu, pecans, garlic, Brussels sprouts, and cilantro.  Maybe one day my husband will give the sprouts a chance.  They actually weren't that offensive in this dish, as they only cook a few minutes.  (I heard someone on NPR, I want to say Alton Brown, say that Brussels sprouts release their offensive gases when they are cooked for longer than five minutes.  Science.)  (Footnote: did you know you put an 's' on the end of Brussels sprouts?)
Speaking of my husband, he has safely made his way to the Windy City.  It's puppers and I until next Wednesday.  Don't tell Jim, but I'm going to use the drip coffee maker tomorrow.  No French Press.  And I may actually grind the beans tonight.  Gasp! 

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