Friday, October 26, 2012


Isn't it crazy that we are already thinking about the holidays? 
Due to the realities of adult life, the Zika/ DiVerde household will be spending Thanksgiving and Christmas in beautiful Eugene, Oregon.  (Would you like to come visit us??  We have a guest bed!)  In better news, JMD will be heading east soon for a short visit and will act as an ambassador for our family.  (I'll prepare the oxen.)
The rainy season seems to have started.  Someone asked me how I deal with it.  I said I follow this daily pattern: drink a lot of coffee, go to work, work out, then drink a lot of wine.  Repeat.  Not a bad system, really. 
Otherwise, life is going smoothly.  Trooper seems to be itch free for now.  Jim is going to the football game tomorrow with a veteran's group he volunteers with.  I continue to mentor on Saturdays and volunteer as a museum guide on Sundays. 
Okay, I'm going to let you go so you can purchase your plane ticket to Eugene. 

1 comment:

Karen said...

Aww, I miss you so! Can you come too? I wish we could zip out for a quick weekend.