Saturday, November 9, 2013

Moved In

Well, friends, we officially moved out of the parents house!  Although I miss them dearly, we are settling in nicely to our new condo.  It is a nice, spacious two bedroom/ two bath unit with a one car garage.  It has been lovely to be reunited with our belongings after having them in storage for five months. 

Like all good things, there is, of course, a catch: the elderly woman below us chain smokes in her unit and the smell is seeping in to our lives.  (What's a little lung cancer?)

We are trying to work hard to get rid of the smell.  The suggestions have ranged from cups of vinegar everywhere to illegal activities.  (I guess I should say that I will not be breaking the law.  Don't worry, Jim.)  Jim spent all day wiping the walls down with vinegar water. 

And my mind has also created the scenario that involves the woman falling asleep with a ciggie in her hand and burning our entire building down.  Needless to say, Trooper does not stay home alone much. 

But I will end on a positive note: it is a nice condo and I love living in Sycamore.  And I am married to a resourceful man that I love dearly and we are parents to the best puppy in the world.  

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