Friday, April 15, 2011


Friday is here! Last evening I took Trooper to play with his best dog pal before dinner. There was a lot of chasing and tug of war, which was nice because we've had rain, rain, rain. The good news is that it looks like after Saturday we'll have a week of no rain! I've heard that the rain lasts until around June. Sigh. Trooper did NOT want to go outside this morning. Poor pupster. Did I mention that Monday is Trooper's one year birthday with us?! I am planning to retell the delightful story of how we met him on Monday's blog post. On Sunday, we invited two doggies over to celebrate. I am envisioning party hats and dog cupcakes.....
I started the day off right, I hope. I woke up early and did a yoga DVD. Let's hope that work flies by so that I can come and relax with my favorite guys. I was supposed to go to the Big Brothers Big Sisters gardening day tomorrow (there's a garden at the federal court house in Eugene) but my Little Sister canceled. Her dad recently moved back to Eugene and she's super excited to spend time with him. I think it's great and happy she has her dad around. I guess I'll just have to spend the day crafting! If it's not raining tomorrow, we've been invited to a kickball/ capture the flag birthday party tomorrow evening! Fun!
Happy Friday! I'll drink a glass of wine for all of you tonight!

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