I wish I lived on a vineyard where the sheep mowed the lawn around the organically grown grapes. Sigh.
Yep, you knew this would happen. Have you ever seen such a photogenic and well behaved animal?
Yesterday was a busy but fun day. In the morning, I took my Little Sister to an Earth Day Celebration. It was sunny and lovely out. She liked it because she got a lot of free stuff. I tried to work in some conservation themes while we were there. I think she had fun. Then I ran Jim over to his friend's house for a day of Bachelor Party fun. And then it was off to the King Estate Winery Run! It was a great time. It was the toughest 5K I've ever done, but was proud of myself for getting in under 30 minutes. The hills out there are ridiculous. A lot of people were drinking wine before the run, and I'm so glad I didn't! It was hard enough as it was. We stayed and had a little wine after. When we got back to Eugene, Trooper and I went over to our friend's house for take out and dog play time. We were long asleep by the time Jim made it home for the Bachelor Party festivities!
Jim's at the library and I've been on non-stop domestics. Laundry, mopping, cleaning, sewing, etc. Trooper is catching up on his beauty sleep. I'm going to make a ham, cheesy potatoes, asparagus, deviled eggs, and a strawberry rhubarb crisp for dinner. Neither of us subscribe to the whole Easter deal, but we both believe deeply in ham and potatoes.
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