Trooper's allowed on the patio balcony when we're in the kitchen to watch him. He's into it.
I bought these Roma's at the Saturday Market. They were so pretty. I roasted them for a soup.
Grilled cheese has always been one of my favorites.
Another sour dough loaf!
Today I received a call from the temp agency and was asked back to the real estate office I'd worked at before. I'll be going back there at least for a day. They also have a 30- 60 day position at an office in the mall near our house. I had to get a background check and drug test for that. It was my first drug test! After lunch today I made two loaves of sour dough bread using my starter that I've been keeping alive in the fridge. I added a little more salt this time and I felt it was better than last time. I used the bread to make grilled cheese sandwiches for dinner. I prefer muenster cheese and put prosciutto on Jim's sandwich. I made a roasted tomato soup that I'd made before. It's a really good soup if you have a lot of extra tomatoes. There's a little crushed red pepper in it which gives it a bite. Another good dinner. Trooper is passed out right now. He's had a lot of puppy energy. I think it may be because it's cooler outside (it's in the low 40s when we wake up.) I took him on a 45 minute walk this morning and to the dog park this evening. He's also growing his winter undercoat and looks shaggier already. If I'm not temping on Thursday or Friday I've made a puppy play date with a law school wife who has the cutest puppy. It looks like half yellow lab half daschund. Gotta go- looks like there are grilled cheesus on Glee tonight too!
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