I just felt like I hadn't posted any cute pictures of Trooper lately. Here you go!
The birthday boy studying before class.
I'm preparing Jim's birthday cupcakes. He LOVES Ina's chocolate cupcakes with peanut butter icing. If he hadn't married me and there was no Jeffery, he'd be stalking Ina in the Hampton's. The key to a nice cake is letting your ingredients reach room temperature.
This is the purse I won at the Piece by Piece raffle! I'm both jealous of and inspired by this woman's sewing skills.
Today is my wonderful husband's 30th birthday! He's studying away right now. Luckily he only has one class today, so will be a free man around 12:30pm. When he gets home we are planning on going to King Estates (a winery outside of Eugene) for lunch. It's supposed to be 75 and sunny and hopefully we'll get a patio seat. It should be nice! I gave Jim the first part of his gift yesterday. Our car hasn't been washed since we lived in Illinois, so I washed, vacuumed and cleaned out the Yaris. I hate this task and in times of financial prosperity I would take my car and pay to have it done for me. But yesterday I took my quarters and vacuumed up the layer of Trooper hair and other filth. Jim was pretty excited when I told him. Our internet and cable went out yesterday around 1pm and didn't come back until sometime during the night. The cable wasn't a big deal, but the internet was. Jim came home from school around 5pm expecting to finish his paper here, but had to go back to school to use the Internet. Poor guy! Trooper wouldn't come to bed until Jim came home around 11pm. Yesterday I made a veggie strata for Jim's birthday breakfast. That way he could just warm it up when he woke up today. Tomorrow's a big game here (who's winning the match?). I think Oregon is playing Stanford but we were too busy to get tickets to the game or the law school tailgate party. That's okay. Some of our neighbors are having some snacks and we may still walk around the stadium. ESPN Game Day is here, and they start opening the area at 4:30am for a 6am broadcast (it's on at 9am eastern.) I don't think we'll be making that. Tonight we'll probably just get a few drinks and have a nice evening. Jim needs to have some beers and then get some sleep! Oh, I'm also embarrassed that my last post was littered with grammatical errors. Sorry readers. Feel free to send your corrections to me via email. One last final story. The other night I picked up Jim at school and Trooper was in the back seat. When Jim got in the car, I yelled, "Trooper, it's DADDY!" In a much too loud voice, with the windows down, in front of the law school. Poor Jim. At least he's used to my big mouth and embarrassing antics. I told him maybe since it's dark people will think I was really talking to a child and not a dog. Or maybe people will think he has a furry son. Teen Wolf? Teen Infant?
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