Sunday, September 21, 2014

20 Weeks

There's a baby in there!  We went for our 20 week ultrasound and everything is on track.  Crazy!

In all of my (five months of) infinite pregnancy wisdom, I thought I'd share some suggestions I have for things you should say to someone who's pregnant.  Not necessarily to me, just any pregnant woman you meet.  She will love you for it.  Even if it's a lie, here are some you might try:

"You look tiny!"

"You are so small, I would never have guessed that you are even pregnant!"

"Have you even gained any weight?"

"Do you even need maternity clothes?"

These are just a few ideas for you to gain major points with any pregnant woman.  I would avoid words such as large, huge, twins, big, etc.

And if you are going to tell a pregnant woman story about a friend, I would make sure that it ends with your friend having a really easy labor and a healthy baby.  Maybe avoid stories that end in dead babies.

And remember, it's okay to lie!

Otherwise, we are enjoying the last few days of summer.  Poor Trooper has been very allergic lately and had to go to the vet for a round of steroids.  He is okay now, but has a few open spots that his dad is tending to every day.  Poor pup!

My lovely husband made me pumpkin pancakes and took me to the apple orchard this morning.  What a guy!  I loved the orchard and was able to get about 25 minutes with my dear husband and got him back in the car before any signs of crankiness even set in!  I call that a success!

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