I have enjoyed having a week to myself before our lives totally change in a few days. I am lucky enough to be able to be home for a little while, and although I like working and would have been happy to work right up until the little one arrives, it is helpful to rest and relax. Our other concern was me being stuck at work when labor started and having to get back to our hospital, especially if we had any bad weather. Instead I have been able to be home with my best puppy friend and watch reruns of Gilmore Girl on Netflix.
I have also been enjoying some time in the kitchen. When we both worked late all week, a few days a week were either foods I made ahead of time, like soup, or frozen Trader Joe's meals. (Which are always good, but it is nice to make homemade foods with less sodium and ingredients. But believe me, we will probably be eating some of those frozen foods again our first few weeks home from the hospital!)
The other night I made Heidi Swanson's Green Lentil Soup. This is a really good winter soup and is dairy free if you replace the butter. Yesterday I also prepped her baked oatmeal for breakfast this morning. You could also make this dairy free. I omitted the sugar and/or maple syrup, but did drizzle some honey over the top after it cooled for a few minutes. I just threw it in the fridge and microwaved a piece for a minute this morning. It was really yummy! I also made a batch of 100 Days of Real Food (love the cookbook I was given for Christmas!) Pumpkin Muffins for the freezer for snacks when we get home next week. And all of these recipes have been Jim approved!
Unless I go into labor on my own before, I check into the hospital Sunday evening for induction (or unless they are sold out, then we reschedule!) Sunday night will be spent dilating and induction will start Monday, so we should have a little one here by Monday or Tuesday, and be home by Wednesday or Thursday at the latest. I am going to ask for no Facebook statuses during the process until the baby is out and healthy and happy. And no pictures until Mom and Dad approve, especially none of me in a hospital gown. Jim will let all of you know when the whole horrifying process is over. I mean, miracle?
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