Wednesday, July 11, 2012

The Great Chicken Bone Incident of 2012

I can now blog about the Chicken Bone incident, as we are (hopefully) in the clear.  On Sunday afternoon, I cleaned some chicken for sandwiches and was going to throw the bones in the dumpster on the way to the pool.  I tied the bones in a bag and left them on the counter and put Trooper in the kitchen (with said bones) and walked down to the pool, forgetting the bones.  I wasn't gone 10 minutes when I remembered the bones and ran back upstairs.  The bag was on the floor, empty, and Trooper was wagging his tail.  He'd eaten four large bones (half a chicken carcass) that were covered in spices and BBQ sauce!  I called Jim and then the emergency vet.  The vet said that there's nothing to really do except wait for them to pass.  (If they throw them up they can cause more damage.)  She said that if he throws up or has further issues (I won't discuss the gross details) to bring him in.  The main reason you should not let your doggies have chicken bones (cooked ones) is because they can cause internal damage to their digestive systems/ internal bleeding/ etc..  But the good news is that dogs have really acidic tummies and often digest them with no problem.  I was pretty upset and felt like a bad doggie mom.  Jim stayed up all night on Sunday watching Trooper.  (What a good dad.)  The incident was on Sunday at 3pm and the vet said that after 72 hours he should be fine.  And he is!  My poor dog.  (He is really just his normal happy self.)  Moral of the story: dogs are dogs and they will eat anything yummy looking. 

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