Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Finals Mode

We are officially entering Finals.  Jim sent a brief off into the night for his NYC competition (in February), so he is now focusing on Finals.  His first finals is Mon. Dec. 5 and I believe his last is Wednesday, Dec. 14.  Let the countdown begin. 
Tomorrow night I am hosting Book Club.  We read The Snitch, Houdini, and Me, which were short stories about a boy growing up.  I can't lie, I'm still on the last Book Club book.  I made the mini mac n cheese's again as they were such a hit last month.  Poor Jim is getting kicked out of the house for a few hours, but that's the way it goes sometimes.

1 comment:

smithktroll said...

Thinking about both of you he next two weeks! I know you'll both do great.