Our wonderful step mom, Judy, made this awesome wall hanging for me! I came home to a package, which is always exciting, and found this inside. Isn't it pretty? She made it herself. I'm so inspired by crafty people.
Trooper playing tug on Sunday with his dog pal, Harvey, and Jim. As you can see, he's still a playful pup.
Trooper went in for his yearly shots today. Jim took him and talked to the vet about his condition, and she has no diagnosis. Testing for epilepsy or other diseases would be expensive and potentially inconclusive, so we are just going to try to keep him healthy and happy and keep our eye on him. In August, after we've been here a year, we can do allergy tests. Other than his head tremors, he is a happy pup who jogs and plays and is our best dog pal.
Spring break Jim is enjoying himself! We made a tag team quiche last night (I made the crust, he made the filling) and had a guy over to dinner who's from Sycamore and was in town for a conference. Tonight he made me curry in a hurry (Trader Joe's jarred Thai curry) and potstickers. I think he's been reading food blogs all day thinking about what else to cook for me. He found me Have Cake, Will Travel. This guy knows what I like!
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