Sunday, January 25, 2015

No News

This little guy or gal is getting big!  So are my cheeks, but oh well.

It's getting to the point where people (including strangers) are surprised that I am working, exercising, cooking, breathing, etc.  The check out person at the grocery store asked when I was due and when I told her she looked terrified, as if I might need her to deliver my baby for me.  While I was on the elliptical today, a woman at the gym stopped and asked me the same question.  Don't worry, if I go into labor, I will head to the hospital ASAP.

In other exciting news, next week will be my last official week of work!  Although I am sad to leave my current job, I am looking forward to a new chapter in my life.  After a few months, and after we decide where we'll be settling, I'll be looking for a new job.  (Would you like to hire me?  Or babysit for us?)

Tonight I am making us Curried Chicken Soup and Sweet Potato Biscuits.  This is a wonderful winter meal and I would imagine that you could replace the cream in the soup with coconut milk for a lovely dairy free curry flavor.  I'll be following that with a bubble bath and new episode of Downton Abbey for a lovely little Sunday.

Sunday, January 18, 2015

Update to Last Post

I guess I had a little more to update from my last post and doctor's appointment. Baby measured 6 lbs in the ultrasound, a bit smaller than average, which shows a new due date of February 8th. Unless, of course, my body decides otherwise. Looks like we may have a few extra days to wait!

Thursday, January 15, 2015

37 Weeks

Jimanda is still brewing in there.  I just went for my weekly appointment today and had an ultrasound, nonstress test and check up.  I get the extra care due to my blood pressure.  At least it gives me an extra glimpse of the little guy or girl!

I am feeling well.  I am still working all week and would like to try to work as long as I can.  (Most of you may know that if I had to stay home for too long I'd either go insane or become an alcoholic or both.  Probably not great when you are pregnant.  And it should make for an interesting maternity leave that does not have an end date.)  Sleeping is not easy, but I guess that's probably how it's going to be for the next 18 years (or more), so I better just get used to it.  And I am still working out almost every day, which I think is good for me.  I am glad to have baby percolate for a few more weeks but will be glad to be able to sleep on my back again and looking forward to people no longer touching my belly.

I was lucky to get quite a few fun new cookbooks for Christmas and my birthday.  One that I've been diving into a lot is "How to Cook Everything Fast."  This fun book has a ton of recipes and quite a big veggie section.  Last night I made Pho, which tasted great (even if Jim told me it made the apartment smell like a "fish's butthole.")

Stay warm, my friends!

Tuesday, January 6, 2015

36 Weeks

We have made it 36 weeks!  It is hard to believe that in a month or so a little person will be moving in with us.  We are both excited but I would say I'm more freaked out and nervous and scared.  I am guessing those are normal things.

I haven't been blogging much because my wrists and hands have been achey from pregnancy induced carpal tunnel.  It's most annoying at night when the weight of the little guy or gal on my nerves causes my hands (and sometimes now feet) to "fall asleep" and I wake up to that fun pins and needles feeling.  I guess the restless nights are preparing me for when the little one wakes me up.  Some nights I haven't been able to go more than a half hour without waking up.  I feel so thankful to sleep 4-6 hours straight, so I'm assuming that is what new motherhood is like.  Right now that's the only "weird" thing going on, so not bad!

Otherwise I am very lucky to have a super helpful husband who has built all of the furniture in our adorable nursery and a sweet pup who will be a good doggie big brother.  We are staying warm in our cozy condo on these frigid days (tomorrow a low of -15!) and just waiting for Jimanda to arrrive!