Sunday, August 17, 2014

Baby's First Bunny

A few years ago, one of my wonderful friends sent me Martha Stewart's Encyclopedia of Sewing for Christmas.  I used one of the softie animal patterns to make this little bunny for Baby Jimanda.  The ears did not turn out quite as well as the one in the book, but that's okay.  In 19 years I'll be weeping over it and saying, "Don't you want to take this to college with you??"

Friday, August 15, 2014

Week 15

Week 15

This week baby is around the size of an apple or orange!  It looks like a weird, tiny human.  I have been able to feel it moving (or I feel gas) which is exciting.  Confession about this picture: it was taken in the morning.  By night, I look 10x more pregnant because of all of the water I drink during the day.  I have already gained more weight than I would have liked, but I guess my body needs it.  And I can't complain because I just made a batch of peanut butter cookies, so I guess it's fun to splurge right now.  And that's what breastfeeding is for, right?  Jim also agreed long ago that when I had his child he would buy me an elliptical.  (My attorney said that verbal contracts are binding.)  I have been feeling much better lately.  I went on a lovely run this morning and got a bee in my bonnet and scrubbed all of the shelves of the fridge, so I must have some energy.  It's been nice to be pregnant in the summer, because dresses and skirts are much more comfortable as my waist expands.  We go for my next appointment on Monday afternoon, which will mainly been blood work and another Doppler.  I also have to collect my urine for 24 hours to get a baseline for my kidney function due to my blood pressure, which can be high at times.  (Don't look in our fridge on Sunday or you may see a large bucket of urine.)  In the meantime, we're just enjoying this beautiful summer.  (It was 46 degrees out when I woke up!  Is it pumpkin time yet??)

Monday, August 4, 2014

Big News!

We are excited to tell you we are expecting a little baby!  Baby Daddy does not want any mention of it on social media at this point, but I think he was okay with me blogging about it.  (I think.)  I will be at 14 weeks this week, so entering month 4/ second trimester.  We have heard the little heartbeat twice now and I go in for a host of lab work in 2 weeks.

I will try to think of all of the baby questions you may ask at this point.....

Our due date is February 3rd!

I am going to try to hold out and not find out the gender.  Jim is going to find out.  To me, it doesn't matter whether it's a boy or girl.  I would like gender neutral items that can be reused if we ever have another child.  And this poor kid is gonna have his or her whole life to live with gender stereotypes, so if I have a girl and can put off the Princess culture for a few months, I'll be happy.

I have been feeling blah every day but haven't actually thrown up.  Lots of headaches and such.  I have been told this should start to pass in the next few weeks.  I am still jogging and exercising and trying to stay fit.  We are trying to buy mostly organic/ hormone free/ antibiotic free right now.

I have a little bit of a belly but it mostly looks like I am getting fat, not pregnant.  I have not graduated to maternity clothes yet.  Luckily this time of year I am able to wear a lot of skirts and dresses.

I plan on returning to work after 6 weeks of maternity leave.  At this point, we are planning on a combo of daycare and a nanny/ babysitter who lives in the DeKalb/ Sycamore area.

We live in a 2 bedroom condo so the guest room will become my crafting room/ nursery.

I think that's all I can think of at this point!  Get ready for baby!