Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Mini Egg White Fritatas

As most of you know, we are hungry people.  I have started making egg white mini fritatas again, as I did when I was training for the marathon last year.  Luckily, they have not induced PTSD.  Yet.
They are super easy to make and a good way to add a lean protein to your breakfast or for a snack.  Jim crumbles his over his oatmeal in the morning and tops all of it with salsa.

Mini Egg White Fritatas


One container egg whites (I buy Trader Joe's 16 oz cage free) or the equivalent in egg whites (a great way to use any yolks to use in aiolis!)
Any fillers you want!  Last week I heated up a cup of frozen spinach and diced a tomato.  I have also use broccoli, onion, etc., etc.Shredded cheese (optional)
Crushed Red Pepper

Preheat oven to 425

Line muffin tin with liners (if you opt to not use liners, you'll have quite an annoying clean up!)
Divide veggie fillers evenly among cups
Divide egg whites evenly among cups
Sprinkle with cheese and crushed red pepper

Bake for 15 minutes or until egg whites have set.

Keep in fridge and enjoy!

I noticed on 100 Days of Real Food that they reposted their mini pledges for the year.  They are great reminders and ideas for eating for 2014!  One of my goals is to eat less sweeteners.  I try to never eat artificial sweeteners (unless I'm cornered or hoodwinked) but I feel I could even reduce the amount of real sugar in my diet.  On that note, I'll probably bake a large pan of brownies in the next week.  Yolo, I guess.  (Sorry,  pancreas.)

My other issue: no deep fried foods is on the list.  Ha!

Sunday, December 29, 2013

Crock Pots

Do you use your Crock Pot?

I will be honest, we don't use it too much.  There are a few reasons.  First of all, I have an irrational fear of leaving it on while we aren't home.  Rather silly, as the whole point of a Crock Pot is that you can leave them unattended.  However, I was reading reviews of Crock Pots online and someone said there's shorted and sparked and caught fire.  Maybe that review as from Communist Russia circa 1080, who knows.  I also don't like to leave it on when the dog is home alone, as I feel it's cruel and unusual punishment for him to smell delicious meats cooking all day.  One of the other reasons I don't use it too much is because all of the food sort of starts to taste alike after while.  And if you aren't careful, all of a sudden you have a weird witch's brew on your hands with chicken tibias floating to the surface.  I did have someone suggest to me that I could cook in the Crock Pot at night while we are sleeping and then just reheat the food for dinner.  I am open to that.

But I do like Rachael Ray's crock pot recipes.  They are usually tasty and involve putting"toppers" on when you serve, giving your food a fresher taste.  Tonight I made her Asian Pepper Steak.  The directions make it seem like she cooks the rice in the Crock Pot (the picture doesn't seem that way) but I do cook it separately.  I also added cayenne pepper, crushed red pepper, and a cup of water to keep everything submerged while cooking.

Otherwise we had a lovely little Sunday.  We took the doggie to a near by forest preserve and went on a long walk in the woods.  I took a bath and was in my jammies by 2pm!  I spent a lot of time reading (currently reading The Lowlands by Jhumpa Lahiri) and Jim spent a lot of time yelling at the Bears.  We both have Tuesday and Wednesday off and I am only working an hour on Thursday.  Should be a nice New Years week.

Friday, December 27, 2013

Happy Winter!

Happy Holidays, dear friends!

I hope you have all had a wonderful December.  We've been very cozy here.  We spent Christmas with quite a few family members.  We decided to only buy presents for Trooper in our household, but were spoiled rotten by everyone else.  Thank you dear friends and family!

I can't believe we are winding down 2013!  We started the year when Jim sabred a bottle of champagne at a house party in Eugene, Oregon.  (True story.)  (I will save my year in review for next week.)

Tonight I am making Giada's Shrimp and Pancetta with Chimichurri.  (She uses both chicken and shrimp but I am being lazy.)  I will let you know how it turns out!

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Snowy Days

Trooper loves the snow, but needs doggie booties!  While we were on a family walk the other day, we realized that the snow packs between his little paw pads and makes him limp.  Until he gets some doggie Uggs, I try to check his paws when we walk.  

There is a small park next to our condo that has a paved path loop.  The city plows it every time it snows, which makes it a lovely place to walk the dog in the morning.  We probably have around six inches of snow on the ground.  It has also been cold! I think it was 17 out this morning, which made me remark, "It's a bit warmer today!"  So far it has not bothered me this year.  (We'll see by February!)  I try to take walks with the doggie, work out, eat lots of fruits and veggies, and stay warm.  It is the time of year that I like to make things like Ina's Chicken and Biscuits, Turkey Chili, and homemade mac and cheese and enjoy our new fireplace.  

Stay warm, friends!

Friday, December 6, 2013

Oh My Ganache

When I have to work on a Saturday, I often have the luxury of having the day off on Friday.  Today I used it to do all of the things I like to do and then some: go to the gym, run errands, clean, bake, kiss my dog, walk my dog, etc.  If only I had made time to craft! 

I think my phone said it was 12 degrees out when I woke up this morning.  Even though it's cold, the sun is out, which makes a difference.  I just throw on three layers of pants and puffer coat and scarf and mittens and two hats and get outside with my doggie (who loves the cold weather).

Tonight we are going to put up our Christmas tree!  I made the gingerbread I mentioned in my last post as well as some Chocolate Thumbprint cookies with Ganache.  Martha Stewart (that genius) has three variations of cookie dough and even more combinations and permutations of how to prepare that dough.  You could seriously use this one guide to make dozens of different cookies.  (Which would be Jim's dream come true.) 

I am also making Giada's White Bean Soup and Grilled Cheeses for dinner.  This soup is so yummy and simple.  And I think my dairy free comrades could just skip the cream step.  After I blended it, it looked great as it was.  And do yourselves a favor: buy an immersion blender.  My soup making life has changed for the better after that purchase. 

Hopefully I'll be able to get a family photo by our tree tonight!

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Cookie Crazy

The Zika/ DiVerde house has a favorite holiday tradition: I make holiday cookies and Jim eats them.  We've been working on perfecting this tradition for nine winters now.  On Thanksgiving I made one of our favorites: ginger snaps.  I use the Better Homes and Gardens recipe.  Here are my tips: use butter instead of shortening.  (I have made them with organic shortening before for the dairy free people in my life.)  Just don't think about how much butter you are putting in.  Give in to the butter.  I also make sure to not overcook them.  An added bonus is that they make the house smell lovely while you cook them.  And in the spirit of ginger and molasses, I am planning on making a loaf of this sticky gingerbread to snack on while we decorate our Christmas tree this weekend.  And maybe a batch of cookies for my pal.