Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Check It

Yep, I made these pillow covers.  They even have zippers so I can take them off to wash them.  Crafty Amanda is back in action.


Okay, friends and family, I've started Skyping.  I have told many of you to download it and then we can video chat.  It's pretty cool.  You can see my beautiful face.  Tonight I was able to chat with my mom and showed her my sewing room and some of the projects I'm working on.  I think you will all love Skype, so if you have a camera and want to see me, Jim, and Trooper LIVE, go for it!

Look at that angel.  He's still working out his GI problems.  Today he went #2 for me at lunch and then 5 minutes later went on the living room floor while I was eating lunch.  Then he hid under the table because he felt badly.  The vet has recommended going back down to 75 mg every other day, as 100 may be too much for his little self.  I took this picture at the dog park tonight.  I have been trying to get him over there as much as possible after work.  Look how brown the grass is.  During the summer, it's very dry and arid, until the rain starts in the fall.  What a regal dog.

Monday, August 29, 2011

Make This Pie!

Mmmm... You should make this frozen pie!  If you like peanut butter and chocolate, this is a keeper.  Mine looked pretty funny (no pic) and I made my own crust, so it was hard to cut out of the pan.  I shaved chocolate on top when I served it.  Although it wasn't too pretty it was really good and a nice frozen treat.

Jim was Mr. Handyman around the house this weekend.  He fixed a shelf, replaced our shower head (now featuring a detachable head!) and steam cleaned our living room.  What a guy!

We spent Saturday night at the Eugene Celebration.  In true Eugene fashion, we rode our bikes.  It was fun to hang out with friends and see the "local characters."  A lot of body odor and faint smells of illegal substances.  I've been to quite a few places, but must say, Eugene has the most interesting characters. 

Trooper is now decreasing his dose of cyclosporine to once every three days.  His itching seems to be okay but he's still having GI issues.  Poor pup.  The medicine also gives him major eye goobers.  To help his tummy we started giving him plain yogurt on his food.  He's lucky he found a young, yuppie couple to adopt him.  Who else would put this much time and energy into his well being?!

Saturday, August 27, 2011

Circus Day

 Look at this dog.  He's the king of the couch.  Sometimes I tell him, some people don't let their dogs on the couch.  It reached 90 again today, and Jim said he took him outside and he just laid down on the pavement.
After my morning jog, I rode my bike to the Saturday Market.  I love the fruits and veggies.

This afternoon I took my LS to the circus.  She was very excited and seemed to be having fun during the show, but at intermission she told me she was bored and wanted to go home.  So after a few minutes of discussion, we left.  Attention is something we're still working on. 
Jim is going to grill us burgers and then we're going out and about to visit with some friends and go to a birthday party.  I guess we're a popular couple!

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Hump Day

It is, in fact, our Hump Day.  Especially Jim's.  His schedule is as follows: Monday: Work, Class, Work; Tuesday: Class all Day; Wednesday: Work, Class, Work; Thursday: Class All Day; Friday: Work All Day.  This does not include his bike commute and coming home for lunch to check on Poopie Troopie on Tues, Thurs, and Fri.  And his reading.  He's on the couch reading right now.  I think we'll all be more well adjusted to the schedule next week. 
Troops and I have been going to the dog park every evening when it cools down.  It's been getting up in the 90s.  Tonight it actually rained for a moment.  The news said it hasn't rained here in over 30 days.  They said it may T-storm, which is big news in Oregon.  No thunder here.  When it started raining, the new residents downstairs started exclaiming.  I said, "Wait til winter, my friends." 
Tomorrow we are both doing social things.  I am meeting some gals for drinks after work, and Jim is going to some sort of law school social night when I get home from that.  Although he won't have homework tomorrow and I'd love some QT, I'd also really love to see my Eugene girlfriends. 
The weekend will be here before we know it.  I bought tickets for my LS and I to go the circus, so that should be a fun afternoon on Saturday.  Jim and I are also going to go and look at used washer and dryers (the rental company took our old ones back.)  We are hoping to get to the coast for Labor Day, which gives me something fun to look forward to at work. 
Back to the routine!

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

A Few Good Books

I have been reading a few good books lately and thought I'd make a few recommendations...
For September's Book Club, we read The Book Thief by Markus Zusak.  It's a Young Adult book about the Holocaust.  It's told from the point of view of a little girl, and except for a few parts, it doesn't have the usual morbidly depressing Holocaust stories.  A few times it felt a bit long (over 500 pages), but it was an overall good read.
I'm also reading The Help by Kathryn Stockett.  I started it on the airplane and had read 200 pages by the time I landed.  It's pretty popular right now and I did hear a commentator on NPR call the movie a "sanitized" version of the Civil Rights movement, but it's been an easy read and enjoyable so far.
And I am always taking recommendations for good books!

Monday, August 22, 2011

Back to School

Somebody is a 2L!  It's the obligatory Back to School photo.  I'm waiting for, "I can't believe you posted that."

Back into the routine.  Although I am feeling lazy tonight, I thought I'd post a few good recipes.

I made this meatloaf in Florida and when I returned Jim had meatloaf envy, so I made it for him.  In a 90 degree apartment with one tiny window AC.  I think it was worth it.  Sometimes I make mini meatloaves and sometimes I make on big one.  The big one lended itself to meatloaf sandwiches, which my favorite 2L got in his lunch box today.  (What a lucky law student.)

Jim made this bean dip for a BBQ on Saturday.  It's so fresh and yummy.  It's kind of like an Italian hummus and great with pita chips.  Or any chips.  On Sunday I smeared it on some flatbread and put turkey on top for a good sandwich. 

Wish us both luck as we start the school year again!

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Back in the Pac NW

I'm back!  I had a really nice week in Florida.  Except for a few moms of friends, etc, I did get to see (most) of the people I wanted to.  I had a great time and was glad to work in a lot of down time with my friend and her baby.  Every gal should be so lucky to have a best friend who you can sit and lounge around with and have the best time.  I also saw a few high school and college friends as well as family.  Earlier I was very motivated to write a long blog entry today, but right now I am motivated to lounge and drink wine.  And spend time with my husband and doggie.  Jim seemed to do alright while I was gone and Trooper slept right on top of me all night last night.  I literally woke up with him laying on my back.  It's good to be loved :)

Friday, August 12, 2011


Look at this angel.  This morning I said to Jim, "You should text me pictures of the dog while I am gone."  So he started at lunch.  You'd think that we bought our couch/ pillows/ blanket to match the Pup. 

This morning I also said, "Do you think the Dalai Lama gets anxious about flying?"  Jim said, "Maybe you should email him."

We cover a lot of topics in the morning.

Last night I made another tofu recipe.  It was pretty good.  I changed a few things (left out the peanuts, sesame seeds, and carrots, sauteed the tofu, and added in Trader Joe's soycatash.)   A good starting point for stir fried noodles without meat.  I bet it'd be good with chicken too :)

I am looking forward to my trip and the wonderful people I will get to see.  Every day is booked and I'll be covering a lot of ground in my economy rental car.  I really wish Jim (and Trooper) were coming with me.  I bought supplies to make Jim some chocolate chip/ peanut butter chip cookies tonight.  I also bought him a new Thermos to take his coffee to work every day, so I'm kinda the bees knees to him right now.

I won't be posting until I come home.  I'll be checking Facebook and Words with Friends though. 

Bon Voyage!!

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Gah Update

First of all, the guys next door did not play their music last night.  I hear it right now (7:50am), but we are up, so we don't mind.  Crazy young men.
Second, the washer and dryer are duds.  The guy came and changed our outlet, but when Jim plugged in the dryer, he felt an electrical shock through the machine.  We immediately turned that circuit off and did laundry in the coin operated machines downstairs.  We have a 10 day grace period during which we can return the machines.  They are both old and crappy looking and we don't trust the dryer at all.  Back to square one.
In good news, Trooper went to his allergist for his 6 month check up (since starting the cyclosporine).  The vet looked him over (great, no hot spots) and his blood tests came back with flying colors.  He will continue on his medicine until we move from Eugene, at which point we'll try to wean him off. 
My trip to Florida is BOOKED.  Every day.  I'm excited but have lots of peeps to visit.  Every day is jam packed.  It will be great to see everyone.  I just wish that Jim and Trooper could come.  They'll be living the bachelor life.  I imagine a lot of beer and Battlestar Gallactica. 

Tuesday, August 9, 2011


Yesterday I was VERY cranky with our apartment.  Poor Jim waited at home all morning for our washer and dryer to get dropped off.  When they finally came (around lunch time) the guy said we had the wrong outlet!  He almost took the machines back, but luckily left them.  We have about three mountains of laundry that have been piling up in anticipation of the great arrival of the laundry machines.  I believe that the outlet was remedied today and we are going to try our inaugural load tonight.  And then, as I was so relaxed from a really challenging yoga class, I drifted off to sleep around 10pm, only to be awoken at 10:30pm by our new neighbors' ridiculously loud and vibrating music/ bass.  I seriously felt like my brain was vibrating in my skull.  Jim asked them to turn it down, and they did, but I could still hear it until around 1am.  Waking up at 6am was not fun.  Apartment living was making me Cranky.  Thank you for listening.  Or reading.  I told Jim that when we get a house, it will feel like Lifestyles of the Rich and Famous.  Gah!!!

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Dog Days

This weekend I didn't dry my hair or put on make up.  I felt like I looked slightly like a hobo, but I guess that's okay for a weekend.  This morning I took my LS and Trooper to the park.  We had a big moment when she agreed to get a bagel and milk at the Humble Bagel and NOT fast food.  She ate it and liked it!  As my readers know, I have a really, really hard time buying most fast food, but I buy it for her so I don't send her home starving.  So today was a big deal for us.  After I dropped her off and took the doggie home, a lovely girlfriend and I went to lunch while Jim went golfing with her partner.  As I constantly say, we are so lucky to have so many nice friends and we both try to take the time to hang out with friends separately.  And now after jogging and all that usual stuff, Jim is making me dinner.  We are working our way through some recipes from this month's Martha Stewart Living.  Tonight it's the pasta with grilled eggplant.  (Did you know that eggplant is my favorite veggie?)  We have been trying to have a few nights a week without meat, both for our pocketbook, health, and the environment.  I love meat quite a bit, but our culture is a bit excessive.  So tonight we are veggying it!  Is that a verb?

Saturday, August 6, 2011

Cottage Grove Walk

 A boy, his dog, a butte, and a path in Cottage Grove, OR.
 I'm not sure what these wildflowers are.  They almost look like small yellow poppies.
 What a happy dog.  It was a bit hot for him in the sun, so he needed to roll in the grass for a break.
 Another unknown flower.  Jim said that there's an iPhone app that allows you to take a picture of a leaf and it will identify the plant/ tree for you.  Don't know if it's for the whole country though.
 There a lot of covered bridges in Cottage Grove.  Do you like my multi-colored hiking outfit?

We've been enjoying the last few weeks of summer vacation together.  Well, it's not really vacation, but Jim's "break" from school.  Today we went to get some supplies for Jim's bike (he's prepping for his Eugene to coast bike ride) and to the Saturday market.  After lunch we headed out to Cottage Grove (a half hour south of Eugene) and went on a nice walk/ hike.  A lovely day.  Right now Jim's working on his bike in the middle of the living room.  We may ride our bikes to dinner this evening to test it out. 

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Hurrying and Currying

Last night I made this wonderful fresh curry.  We buy curry in jars and pouches a lot, but we often say, "We should make our own curry."  And so I did.  It was great and fresh.  I did add more spices and potatoes as a few of the reviews called for.  But it does take more time than TJ's pre-made curry. 
I feel like we're always hurrying these days and I don't know why.  Come home, walk the dog, work out, make dinner, go to the store, do the laundry, rush, rush, rush.  And school hasn't even started for Jim!  Hopefully we'll remember to slow down soon. 
Right now I have these blueberry bars cooling in the kitchen.  A nice neighbor gave us a pint of hand picked blueberries and I'm really looking forward to trying them!
Oh, and our washer and dryer (rentals) are getting delivered on Monday.  The luxury! 

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Trooper B. Zika

What does the B. stand for?  It depends on the day and time.  It's either Boken (Japanese for Adventure) or Belligerent.  That dog's a nut.  Last night we went to see an apartment.  Well, there were a ton of cats in the neighborhood and the landlords also had cats.  Trooper B. Zika went NUTS.  The landlords had wanted to meet him to see how he behaved.  Well, horribly!  Jim later said, "This dog and I need to have a Come to Jesus Moment with this cat issue."  The woman immediately started telling me how it wasn't going to work due to Trooper B. Zika!  Luckily neither of us are really in the mood to move again.  It would be nice to have a yard, a cooler apartment in the summer, more space, etc, but packing and moving are the worst.  So we took our crazy animal home and I said to Jim, "There are just two types of people in this world: cat people and dog people."  (I still love that little dog not matter how crazy he gets.)